An italian company. Since 1979
a leader in the field of Healthcare.
a leader in the field of Healthcare.
About us
Unibell is an Healthcare Company, operating in the field of physiotherapy and beauty care, worldwide known for its professionality and scientific strictness, a guarantee of fast and stable results.
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Our mission is to become a reference point for all those professionals who desire to work every day in a strict, scientific and effective way, who wish to make their professionality more accessible to a wide public and acquire a central role in the care of people’s health.
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Central to our interests is the care of the body in its entirety.
We want to create a capillary network of professional, specialised and qualified centres, to give everyone a real possibility to maintain and protect their own condition of health, well-being and beauty.
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We want to create a capillary network of professional, specialised and qualified centres, to give everyone a real possibility to maintain and protect their own condition of health, well-being and beauty.
Founding principle
The principle upon which we have always been founding our activity and our scientific research, is the presupposition that the human organism altered by a disease, or simply by the daily stress, has in itself all the potential to recover its own balance and functionality, when correctly stimulated.
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